
カメラを釣る?!…Camera Fishing?!

The entree at Blue Hole/Reef Garden in Gozo is very difficult. It is very anxious moment for camera/photo lovers. As you can see, we have special way of the entree for cameras themselves. We hang them all like fishing! Now you don't have to worry about the severe shock to your precious cameras.


マルタ島アーラプシのリーフダイビング、Reef Diving at Ghar Lapsi in Malta

It's been a bit windy for the last few days in Malta. We had Discover Scuba Divings at Ghar Lapsi a couple days ago. It provides very nice reef diving with interesting swim through caves. When the Sun is out, it has very beautiful light coming in. It's very ideal for photography. Personally, I love this site very much.


HMSマオリ近くのタツノオトシゴ、Seahorse near by HMS Maori

This year, 2-3 seahorses are living a few minutes away from HMS Maori, a wreck right outside of Valletta. Yellow seahorse is rather big and often seen by divers. They hardly move the location but still move a bit, so we look for them very hard every single time. (Someone like me without any luck with seahorse always look for them as if my life depends on it!)
I'm hoping to take photo of them and dive with a camera; however, whenever I bring it, they are not there!! When I forget to bring a camera, we always find them. Why??!!
My love seems not to be returned this year again...

イメージ写真/image photo