
HMSマオリの住人達 ― Inhabitants of HMS Maori

Photos of inhabitants of the WWII wreck called HMS Maori lying down right outside of Valletta. It's an old wreck so that the number of inhabitants is admirable. Even sea horses are living just a little bit away from her. The only problem is whenever I carry my camera, sea horses disappeare...


新たなインストラクター誕生! …New Born Instructors!!

11月19日(土)PADIインストラクター試験が終了。新たなインストラクターが、また誕生しました!ちなみに13名のダイブワイズ・チームは、本当に良く試験への準備ができていて、応援側で見ていても、ホレボレするのと同時に、皆に自慢したいのを我慢するのが大変でした。(^^) 親バカな気分。
The PADI Instructor Exam finished on Saturday, 19th of November. New instructors were born! 13 of our Divewise team candidates were well prepared for the exam and they looked wonderful. It was very difficult for me not to boast of our team candidates to others. Becoming a fond parent?

新たなインストラクターと記念写真!With the New Born Instructors!


マトウダイ見つけた!! Found John Dory!!

John Dory、和名:マトウダイ、を見つけました!ブルーグロット近くのダイブサイト、ズーリの谷に3匹いました!丁度カメラを持っていたので、シャッターチャンス!ラッキー!!

I found John Dory!! There were 3 of them swimming around at Zurriq valley near by Blue Grotto. Luckily, I was carrying my camera, so I took some photos. How lucky!!


「インストラクター養成コース」現在進行中!!、In the middle of the Instructor Development Course

Instructor Development Course has started. The candidates study theories and practice skills every single day from early morning till late. I'm supporting them as a staff. It seems not only me who feels like their parent.


ハッピー・ハロウィーン!! Happy Halloween!!

It's Halloween today! Well, I had to dive with the Jack-O-Lantern, hey?