
涙涙のテック・インストラクターのトレーニング ― Tech Instructor Training in tears!!

テック40のインストラクターになるべく、トレーニングが開始されました。もう、涙涙涙です!!これ以上は語れない… プラチナ・コースディレクターでもある我が師匠アランの忍耐は、本物なのだ。彼に恥をかかせるようなインストラクターにだけは、なりたくない。明日は気を取り直して、頑張るんだもん!!
To become a Tech 40 instructor, the training was started. Gosh! Tears, tears, and tears!!! I can't talk about it... My "Shishou"(master), Alan who is also a Platinum Course Director has tremendous patience. I don't want to become a rubbish instructor and embarrass him. I shall pull myself together and will try to do my best tomorrow!!


メーリークリスマス!!Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas!!! To all divers and all "future" divers!! Lots of love XXOO


英国国教会のクリスマス・キャロルに行ってきました! Enjoyed Christmas Carols in the Anglican Church

クリスマスも間近にせまり、キリスト教の国マルタは、あちこちの教会で、クリスマス・イベントが行われています。近くにある、英国国教会のクリスマス・キャロルに行ってきました。教会の建物は音響も良く、パイプオルガンと聖歌隊の響きが、クリスマスの雰囲気を存分に出していました。この「キングス・カレッジ・ケンブリッジの、9つのレッスンとキャロル」は、1918年のクリスマス・イブに初めて行われ、その後各地に広がり、今では世界中で行われています。オープニングの聖歌は、1919年に内容の再構成をしてからずっと「Once in Royal David's City」です。
Christmas is coming soon. In Malta, well-known Christian country, many churches have Christmas events here and there. I went to the Anglican Church nearby to enjoy their Christmas Carol service. The church building had very good acoustic effects, exalting Christmas feelings. "A Service of Nine Lessons and Carols at Kings College Cambridge" was first held on Christmas Eve 1918 and kept growing worldwide. It has always begun with the hymn "Once in Royal David's City" since rearrangement of the lessons in 1919.


マルタ島にドラゴン出現?!Dragon is coming to Malta?!

An Irish diver gave me a cute headdress!  I shall become a dragon and go diving next time! Or it'll be great for the next St.Patrick's Day, hey? ...Well, Christmas is coming soon, so maybe becoming Santa Clause comes first?


テックダイビングの練習日…Tech Diving Practice Day

I finally managed to have some time to practice skills for Tech diving today! With the twin set, I practiced to turn on/off the valves, to fin backward, to clip on/off a stage cylinder, to trim position, etc., reviewing skills taking about 50min. It doesn't sound very interesting, but I actually enjoy this sort of things very much!


ゴゾ島、ダイバーはクライマー? Gozo Island - Divers are Climbers?

My friend took me to Rock Climbing in Gozo. It was much more fun than I expected!! What amazed me was that most of the climbers in this group were scuba divers and instructors. It seems most divers enjoy Rock Climbing a lot. Ooops! Now we are one of them then? Sounds good!


タグボート・ロージーでイカの卵! Cattlefish eggs on Tagboat, Rosi!

We found Cattlefish eggs on Tagboat Rosi which lies down at north end of Malta. Very beautiful and so white. Wrecks provide good shelters for new Marine life like this.

(photo by Rika)