
新しいドライスーツはピンク!!・・・My new dry suit is PINK!!

今年最初の大きなお買い物。ドライスーツを新調しちゃいました!イギリスの会社、オッター・ドライスーツ(Otter Drysuits)の、メンブレン・ドライスーツの一つ、ブリタニックMK2というタイプ。フレキシビリティも良く、耐久性も強い一品。前回購入したサンティ(Santi)のスーツは、耐久性という点では残念な結果だったので、今回のスーツはかなり期待しているところ。
My first big shopping of this year. I bought a new dry suit, Britannic MK2 by Otter Drysuits, UK. It has good flexibility and strength. My former suit by Santi was good looking but wasn't strong enough, which disappointed me a lot. I am expecting better with this new suit.
Its design is good as well, squeezing excess air better. Besides, there are variety of colours. It makes unique among "all black" European divers.
As a Japanese, it is not fun to have just black. This pink looks quite nice. I've received very good comments about it. This type of dry suit isn't common in Japan; however, it is quite nice for "dry suit" lovers for you can choose different inner garments according to the season. The only down side is the price. It is a bit more expensive than neoprene suits. It depends how much you want to invest for your diving, I guess.