
マルタ島、今日も日本人が行く!! Japanese is coming in Malta!!

今日もマルタはとても良い天気で、日焼け止めの塗り直しを2度3度と必要なほど。午前中はUm El Faroudにて、イギリス人ダイバーさんと、ツインセットでのロング・ダイビングを行い、午後は、日本人の女の子の、ディスカバー・スキューバ・ダイビングでした。日本人の女の子は、本当に、冒険好き!!最初はドキドキしちゃったけれど、スキルもスススーッ!と済ませ、海洋実習では、すっかりと落ち着いちゃって、魚や赤ちゃんウツボに出会いながら楽しいダイビングとなりました。
It was a nice sunny day again in Malta and made me put sun block cream repeatedly. In the morning, I had a long dive with a British diver carrying a twin set. In the afternoon, Japanese girl came for Discover Scuba Diving course. Japanese girls are very adventurous!! She was nervous at the beginning but finished the skills very smoothly. For the Open Water dive, she was very calm already and we had such a nice diving, saying "Hello" to fish and a baby moray eel.


東京のダイビングフェアに行きました!…Went to the Diving Fair in Tokyo

I went to the Diving Fair in Ikebukuro, Tokyo on 6th-8th April, 2012. It was much bigger than I imagined. Many divers came to the event, enjoying quiz and show. I enjoyed the reunion with people from Blue & Snow who came to Malta last summer and Shigeri & Chihiro who dived with us just a couple weeks ago.
Some shops had very good deal for equipments and diving goods which were quite dangerous for divers.