
日本女子ハーレムか?・・・Japanese Girl Harlem?

4人の美人さん達の中、オーストリア人の男の子が「白一点」のハーレム状態で、2本のダイビング!始めはちょっと、戸惑っていたのですが、その内慣れてきて、最後はしっかりと溶け込んじゃっていました。ヽ(*´∀`)ノ ハウスリーフの透明度は20m以上!魚もいっぱい寄ってきて、とても良かったです。次に行ったHMSマオリはの透明度は、ちょっと落ちて13mほど。それでも初沈船を楽しんでいただきました。ただ、いざ「エグジット」と思ったら、波が出てしまい、経験の少ない皆さんに、ちょっと大変な思いをさせてしまいました。ゴメンナサイ!
Two dives with four beautiful girls and one Austrian boy, like Harlem! He was a bit shy in the beginning but they became good buddies' by the end. Good for them! House reef was beautiful, schools of fish with over 20m visibility. That was great! 2nd dive was at HMS Maori; visibility was about 13m. They still enjoyed their first wreck diving. For the exit, it became very wavy and made them have such a hard time. I was very sorry...



8月31日は日本人デーでした!! 31st of August was a Japanese Day!!

8月31日金曜日、午前中はCカードをお持ちの日本人ダイバーさん達と、人気の沈船、Um El Faroudへ!潮の流れもいつもよりも弱く、2本とも沈船ダイビングができました。とっても良かったです。
Friday, 31st of August, we went to the popular wreck, Um El Faroud with Japanese divers in the morning. The current was weaker than usual and we enjoyed two divings at the wreck. It was great!
In the afternoon, we had Discover Scuba Diving course. They were a bit nervous but enjoyed the experience. I really hope they continue with diving!!