
1111本目のダイビング・・・1111th Diving

I had 1111th dive finally!! Houray!! It was also Phil's Drysuit Diver Specialty certified dive and we celebrated our special dive together. He is Maltese. Between his busy schedule, he's kept going with diving, Open Water Diver, Advance, and so on. For him, this water world is the only place he can relax. He always says that he feels great just being in water. How lucky I am to have this special dive together with him!!


日本人ダイバー誕生!!・・・Japanese Divers are born!!

今日もまた、マルタで日本人ダイバーが誕生しました!シンヤ君、ユウタ君、おめでとう!!PADI、eラーニング で学課を済ませてきたおかげで、短時間にてコースを終えることができました。それでも今週のマルタは少々荒れ気味だったので、本人達、とっても頑張ったと思います。素晴らしい!二人共、泳ぎも上手だったこともあり、実習もとてもすんなりと進みました。これからも是非、どんどんダイビングしてくださいね。話は飛びますが、コース中、私が二人の事を「細いなぁ」って言う度に「いやぁ、太ってますって~」って言うので、「私、絶対二人の事、お姫様ダッコできるよ~」ってな話となり、「講習が無事に終了したら、やってみよう!」な~んて私も言っちゃったので、講習終了後、ダッコしてみました。腕の短い私には、重さよりも二人の身長の方が、難しかったかな。でも出来ちゃった~。これもテック・ダイビングの賜物(?)。って、女子がこんなんで、スミマセン。
m(_ _)m
Japanese divers were born in Malta AGAIN today! Shinya, Yuta, well done!! Since they finished PADI e-learning before arriving in Malta, the course didn't take much time. The weather in Malta this week wasn't so brilliant. I am very proud of them doing so well. Both of them were very good swimmer which helped a lot in the course. Boys! Keep diving!!
During the course, whenever I said "you are skinny," they said "we are fat." So I said "I think I can lift you up no problem. I will do that when you finish your course." So I did! For me with short arms, their height was a bit of issue rather than their weight. Anyway, I did it! Is it the gift from Tech diving training? Well, I'm not sure if I can please about it as a girl...



インストラクター・トレーニングが始まりました・・・IDC started today!

Divewise is the only PADI CDC center in Malta. We can provide couses from beginner to instructor level. Instructor Development Course started today. 2 candidates from UK and 3 candidate from Italy, total 3 candidates are joining this time. They will have training to become instructors for the next two weeks. We have this course 3 times a year. Next one will be in November. Would you like to become Scuba Diving Instructor in Malta?



日本人ダイバーウィーク…Japanese Diver Week

今週もまた、日本人ダイバーの週となっています。先日は、ケイスケ君とアオイちゃんと一緒に、X127という沈船でのダイビング。今日は、シュン君とアオイちゃんと一緒にGhar Lapsi(アー・ラプシ)での地形ダイビングでした。アー・ラプシは、岩のトンネルを抜けたりして、新しいカメラを試し中のシュン君には、もってこいでした。明日はどこかなー。
This week is another Japanese week. We dived on a wreck called "X127" with Keisuke and Aoi a couple days ago. Today, we went to Ghar Lapsi with Shun and Aoi. Ghar Lapsi has very interesting landscape, such as rocky tunnel. It was very good for Shun with new camera. I wonder where we go tomorrow.