Do you know John Dory? It has pointy spines and dark round spot on its body. As a Japanese, I would like to say it is a nice tasty fish; however, if I say so here, every body accuse me saying "How dare you!! Aren't you a diver?" giving me a very scary look. So, I shall shut my mouth here. Well, since it is famous for French cuisine, probably, French friends understand what I mean, though.
Anyway, whenever John Dory appears, it always show himself right on face or on back. Since it has very flat body, you will easily miss what it is. When it changes his mind and turn a bit, then you will go "Oh! Yes!! There it is!!" When I find it, I feel sooooo special!! In May, I found one in Blue Hole in Gozo, and one in Zurrieq in Malta. Luckily, I had my camera, so I got lucky shots of them!!