http://www.bs-j.co.jp/malta ダイビングもチョコっと取り上げられています。マルタの美しい海と、世界遺産の町々を、是非ご覧ください!!
From 9pm on 4th of January, 2014, BS Japan will have a special program about Malta for 2 hours. They will show a little bit about diving as well. Please watch and enjoy the beautiful sea and World Heritage towns.
http://www.bs-j.co.jp/malta ダイビングもチョコっと取り上げられています。マルタの美しい海と、世界遺産の町々を、是非ご覧ください!!
From 9pm on 4th of January, 2014, BS Japan will have a special program about Malta for 2 hours. They will show a little bit about diving as well. Please watch and enjoy the beautiful sea and World Heritage towns.
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