
気が付けば12月!! ナオさん、インストラクターおめでとう!-- OMG! It's already December!! Nao-san has become an OWSI!!

今月は嬉しいニュースもありました。先月、ダイブワイズでインストラクター養成コースを取り、実技試験に合格したナオさんが、無事日本で筆記試験も合格し、晴れてインストラクターとなりました!!ヤッター!!(´▽`)/ これからどんどん、活躍してもらいたいです!

OMG!! It's already December!! I haven't written the blog for long...how lazy...shame on me! I had a resolution to write it more often, though...sob sob sob... Anyway, I believe "All is well that ends well" is true. I shall try my best for the rest of the year 2013.
I received a wonderful news. Nao, who took Instructor Development Course last month and passed Instructor Exam for skills and presentation, just passed written exam in Japan as well and became an Open Water Scuba Instructor!! Hooray!!! I wish you all the best, Nao!!


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