テック40のインストラクターになるべく、トレーニングが開始されました。もう、涙涙涙です!!これ以上は語れない… プラチナ・コースディレクターでもある我が師匠アランの忍耐は、本物なのだ。彼に恥をかかせるようなインストラクターにだけは、なりたくない。明日は気を取り直して、頑張るんだもん!!
To become a Tech 40 instructor, the training was started. Gosh! Tears, tears, and tears!!! I can't talk about it... My "Shishou"(master), Alan who is also a Platinum Course Director has tremendous patience. I don't want to become a rubbish instructor and embarrass him. I shall pull myself together and will try to do my best tomorrow!!
To become a Tech 40 instructor, the training was started. Gosh! Tears, tears, and tears!!! I can't talk about it... My "Shishou"(master), Alan who is also a Platinum Course Director has tremendous patience. I don't want to become a rubbish instructor and embarrass him. I shall pull myself together and will try to do my best tomorrow!!