
テック・トレーニング― Tech Training

昨日はナショナル・プールで、テック45コースのスキル・トレーニング。私のミッションは、生徒2名のビデオを取ること。ご存知の方も多いかと思いますが、Go Pro HD HEROは、水中でもスグレモノのカメラで、スキルのチェック・ビデオには丁度よいのです。
よく見れば、SDカードが入ってなーい!!!!ガーンΣ(゚Д゚|||) こんなことって…トホホ…
Yesterday, we had Tech45 skill training session in the National Pool. My mission is to take video of 2 students. Many of you already know about Go Pro HD HERO, probably. This camera works great under water as well and very suitable for skill check videos.
It, however, didn't work this time!! "Why not? Why not???" I was having mini panick attack!
When I saw it carefully, I found that it didn't have SD card in it!!! Gooooossshhhh!!! It cannot be...oh, dear...
Anyway, this camera is very easy to use if it has a SD card in it!!

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