
マルタ・マラソン無事生還!・・・the Malta Marathon, came back alive!!

マルタ・マラソンの21kmウォーカソンに参加!無事に生還しました!!最初の5kmを走ったところで、体重増加の影響から膝に痛みが!で、その後の5kmを歩き、1km走って1km歩いて、また1km走って1km歩いて・・・最後の500m程は、ラストスパート!!死ぬかと思いました。(^o^) 途中で、トップランナーに追い越されてのですが、風のように去っていって、格好良かったー。日本人の招待選手も颯爽と駆け抜けて行きました。ま、私はあんな風にはなれないので、ドラゴンのカブリモノで笑いを取りながら、沿道の人達と言葉を交わしたりして、お祭り気分を堪能。来年は、もっと「ちゃんと」仮装します!
I participated to the 21km Walkathon in the Malta Marathon today, and came back alive!! I ran the first 5km, then I started having a pain on my knee because of gaining weight. I walked the next 5km, then 1km run, 1km walk... I ran fast for the last 500m. I thought I was gonna die!(^o^) In the middle of the race, the top runner passed me like a wind!! Cool!! Japanese guest runner was also running like a wind. I could never become a wind like them, so I enjoyed this party feeling with my Dragon cap, receiving nice smiles from others, exchanging words with people along the streets. I shall have much better costume next year!! After the goal, we took photos together with Japanese runners. They came here for this marathon from Japan. Amazing!
I participated in it as a part of charity with Inspire. At the dinner with Japanese runners in the evening, I received some donations. Many thanks to all.


マルタ・マラソン前夜!・・・The night before the Malta Marathon!

いよいよ、明日の朝はマルタ・マラソン!!お祭り気分もかなり乗ってきました!障害者支援団体、Inspireの寄付金集めに協力しながら、ハーフの21kmに参加です。(www.inspire.org.mt を参照下さい) ダイブワイズの特性ドラゴンキャップを用意し、準備万端です!既に寄付も集まり始めました。MTAジャパン、JTM、SIT、サリバンズ、ダイブワイズの皆さん、御協力ありがとうございます!
The Malta Marathon is only tomorrow morning! The party feeling is coming to the peak! I will join the half, 21km, supporting "Inspire", NGO to help disabled kids. (See www.inspire.org.mt )
I've made a special Divewise Dragon cap and am ready to go!!
Special thanks to MTA Japan, JMT, SIT, Sullivans, and Divewise.


マルタ島・ダイブワイズでテックコース・・・Tech Course at Divewise in Malta

A New Tech course has started for Chris from UK. He's taking IANTD, Trimix couse in Divewise.
I'm supporting them with cameras. For me who is still under training to become a Tech instructor, everything is good for study.


マルタマラソンのゼッケンもらいました!・・・Got a race number for the Malta Marathon!

The day for the Malta Marathon is coming so close! I went to register yesterday and received a race number. Sooo excited!! Although there are many serious runners, person like me is like having a party! A lady said to me "Enjoy on Sunday", so I replied "I'm already enjoying it!" making her laugh. There is a pasta party this evening, so I'm planning to join with a friend.


マルタ島バレッタのカーニバル;Carnival in Valletta, Malta

We had a carnival in Valletta, the capital city of Malta. Many kids and adults were dressed up. The streets were full with people. The weather was very bad during the week; however, it became wonderful in the weekend as if it was planned for the carnival. Malta is known as a diving resort; however, it is, of course, located in the Mediterranean, so there are plenty of cultural events like this. Such an attractive island.


リビアのトリポリで雪!!・・・Snow in Tripoli, Libya!!

5th day of my visit in Tripoli, Libya. It snowed!! I had lived in Tripoli nearly 10 years, but it was the first time to see such snow. Libyans were also surprised!! (For your information, Libya is located in the North Africa by the Mediterranean Sea, next to Egypt. Just in case.)


リビア・トリポリの海の眺め!・・・Sea view in Tripoli, Libya

Now I'm visiting Tripoli, Libya. It's the first time in 1 year since the uproar started. I had a reunion with my Italian friend who works for an oil company. He now lives in the Palm City, Tripoli. The sea view from there is wonderful!! It is soooo beautiful that it makes me forget about the fact that UN people are still driving through the city in heavy convoy.


マルタ島、チョイト荒れ気味です・・・Malta, a bit stormy

Although it is typical in winter, it's been a bit stormy here in Malta.
Big waves splashed over the pedestrian path...it looks fantastic if only watching them from a far.