マルタ・マラソンの21kmウォーカソンに参加!無事に生還しました!!最初の5kmを走ったところで、体重増加の影響から膝に痛みが!で、その後の5kmを歩き、1km走って1km歩いて、また1km走って1km歩いて・・・最後の500m程は、ラストスパート!!死ぬかと思いました。(^o^) 途中で、トップランナーに追い越されてのですが、風のように去っていって、格好良かったー。日本人の招待選手も颯爽と駆け抜けて行きました。ま、私はあんな風にはなれないので、ドラゴンのカブリモノで笑いを取りながら、沿道の人達と言葉を交わしたりして、お祭り気分を堪能。来年は、もっと「ちゃんと」仮装します!
I participated to the 21km Walkathon in the Malta Marathon today, and came back alive!! I ran the first 5km, then I started having a pain on my knee because of gaining weight. I walked the next 5km, then 1km run, 1km walk... I ran fast for the last 500m. I thought I was gonna die!(^o^) In the middle of the race, the top runner passed me like a wind!! Cool!! Japanese guest runner was also running like a wind. I could never become a wind like them, so I enjoyed this party feeling with my Dragon cap, receiving nice smiles from others, exchanging words with people along the streets. I shall have much better costume next year!! After the goal, we took photos together with Japanese runners. They came here for this marathon from Japan. Amazing!
I participated in it as a part of charity with Inspire. At the dinner with Japanese runners in the evening, I received some donations. Many thanks to all.
I participated to the 21km Walkathon in the Malta Marathon today, and came back alive!! I ran the first 5km, then I started having a pain on my knee because of gaining weight. I walked the next 5km, then 1km run, 1km walk... I ran fast for the last 500m. I thought I was gonna die!(^o^) In the middle of the race, the top runner passed me like a wind!! Cool!! Japanese guest runner was also running like a wind. I could never become a wind like them, so I enjoyed this party feeling with my Dragon cap, receiving nice smiles from others, exchanging words with people along the streets. I shall have much better costume next year!! After the goal, we took photos together with Japanese runners. They came here for this marathon from Japan. Amazing!
I participated in it as a part of charity with Inspire. At the dinner with Japanese runners in the evening, I received some donations. Many thanks to all.