
マルタ島からメリークリスマス!!・・・Merry Christmas from Malta

メリークリスマス☆彡(´∀`*) 皆さんにはサンタさんは来ましたか?今年のクリスマス、ダイビングしちゃいました!気温17℃、水温が水面で20℃、水底で17℃。12月とは思えない暖かさでした。見たことのないウミウシとも出会えて、とても素敵なダイビングでした。
Merry Christmas!! Has Santa Clause come to you? I went for a dive this Christmas morning. Air temperature was 17C, water temperature on surface was 20C and at the bottom was 17C. It was quite warm for December. I could find some nucibranchs which I had never seen. It was wonderful!!


マルタがBSジャパンで2時間特集されます!!・・・Malta will be on Japanese TV show!!

http://www.bs-j.co.jp/malta ダイビングもチョコっと取り上げられています。マルタの美しい海と、世界遺産の町々を、是非ご覧ください!!
From 9pm on 4th of January, 2014, BS Japan will have a special program about Malta for 2 hours. They will show a little bit about diving as well. Please watch and enjoy the beautiful sea and World Heritage towns.



気が付けば12月!! ナオさん、インストラクターおめでとう!-- OMG! It's already December!! Nao-san has become an OWSI!!

今月は嬉しいニュースもありました。先月、ダイブワイズでインストラクター養成コースを取り、実技試験に合格したナオさんが、無事日本で筆記試験も合格し、晴れてインストラクターとなりました!!ヤッター!!(´▽`)/ これからどんどん、活躍してもらいたいです!

OMG!! It's already December!! I haven't written the blog for long...how lazy...shame on me! I had a resolution to write it more often, though...sob sob sob... Anyway, I believe "All is well that ends well" is true. I shall try my best for the rest of the year 2013.
I received a wonderful news. Nao, who took Instructor Development Course last month and passed Instructor Exam for skills and presentation, just passed written exam in Japan as well and became an Open Water Scuba Instructor!! Hooray!!! I wish you all the best, Nao!!



今週のオメデトウ!!・・・Congratulations of this week!!


We have many Japanese divers taking courses this week again. I had great time with them every day. Discover Scuba Diving, Open Water Diver, and Advanced Open Water. Everybody did very well!! Congratulations!! I hope you enjoy diving more and more!!



8月のマルタ島は、日本人ダイバーでイッパイでーす!!・・・Full of Japanese Divers in this August in Malta!!

It is already mid August. I hope everybody is fine. Here in Malta, we have full of Japanese divers this month!! Some come from all the way from Japan, and some come from near-by countries such as Germany, UK, etc. I am having so much fun!! Diving in Malta is physically challenging sometimes. Many dive site require divers to be qualified higher then Advanced Open Water. Small Japanese divers having so much fun with big laughter look very interesting to other divers. Well, we, Japanese love to have FUN!!




新たなアドバンス・オープン・ウォーター・ダイバー!! ・・・New Advance Open Water Divers!!

We went to 28m deep with New born Advance Open Water Divers. The current was a bit strong; however, they could swim nice and steady. Ken & Chika, Raf and Anna, keep diving and enjoy them all!!



P31で記念写真!・・・Group Photo on P31, Comino

We had a Comino Trip with Japanese group some time ago. Well, I couldnt speak loud but some of them skipped school for this trip. Anyway, we dont have Comino Trip every day. It was a good chance for them to join, was it not? We were laughing giving such excuse. We took a group photo on P31. It reminded me a school tripalthough it was in water this time.


マルタ島のウミウシ・・・Nudibranch in Malta

We also have nudibranchs in Malta; however, most of them are very tiny. It is very difficult to find them (in my case). With some help from instructor friends, I've been looking for nudibranchs. Just recently, my eyes are getting used to them and I can find them much better than before. To be frank, I am very very very happy about it!


日本人体験ダイビング、大好評!・・・Japanese Discover Scuba Diving!!

It seems that Summer has finally come to Malta. It is hot enough for everyone to think "Shall I try to get into the sea?" More Japanese are coming for the Discover Scuba Diving course. If you see this beautiful blue sea right in front of you, you will have to try Scuba Diving!


マトウダイ、マルタにもいるのです!!・・・John Dory in Malta!!

Do you know John Dory? It has pointy spines and dark round spot on its body. As a Japanese, I would like to say it is a nice tasty fish; however, if I say so here, every body accuse me saying "How dare you!! Aren't you a diver?" giving me a very scary look. So, I shall shut my mouth here. Well, since it is famous for French cuisine, probably, French friends understand what I mean, though.
Anyway, whenever John Dory appears, it always show himself right on face or on back. Since it has very flat body, you will easily miss what it is. When it changes his mind and turn a bit, then you will go "Oh! Yes!! There it is!!" When I find it, I feel sooooo special!! In May, I found one in Blue Hole in Gozo, and one in Zurrieq in Malta. Luckily, I had my camera, so I got lucky shots of them!!


マリンダイビング・フェア2013に行ってきました!パート2・・・Marind Diving Fair 2013, Part 2

In Day2, I could meet some divers who dived with us in Malta. It must be some kind of fate that we met and dived together in Malta. If we can keep this circle, I am very grateful. It turned to terrible storm from late afternoon; however, we still had the reunion gathering. Fearless divers got together. We started talking about Malta and diving, then shared so much more on and on. I would love to have this reunion again next year!!


マリンダイビング・フェア2013 に行ってきました!パート1・・・Marine Diving Fair 2013, Part 1

I went to the Marine Diving Fair 2013 in Sunshine City, Ikebukuro, Tokyo. It was in full swing from day 1. It was so exciting to be there. I had good reunion with travel agents. In the evening party, I met many Japanese instructors from all over the world and it was such a great pleasure to learn something new from all those experienced instructors. We all love scuba diving so that we have jumped into this world. Our wish is the same; to expand the waves of exchange of divers. It will be wonderful if we can share the goodness of diving in all over the world.



1111本目のダイビング・・・1111th Diving

I had 1111th dive finally!! Houray!! It was also Phil's Drysuit Diver Specialty certified dive and we celebrated our special dive together. He is Maltese. Between his busy schedule, he's kept going with diving, Open Water Diver, Advance, and so on. For him, this water world is the only place he can relax. He always says that he feels great just being in water. How lucky I am to have this special dive together with him!!


日本人ダイバー誕生!!・・・Japanese Divers are born!!

今日もまた、マルタで日本人ダイバーが誕生しました!シンヤ君、ユウタ君、おめでとう!!PADI、eラーニング で学課を済ませてきたおかげで、短時間にてコースを終えることができました。それでも今週のマルタは少々荒れ気味だったので、本人達、とっても頑張ったと思います。素晴らしい!二人共、泳ぎも上手だったこともあり、実習もとてもすんなりと進みました。これからも是非、どんどんダイビングしてくださいね。話は飛びますが、コース中、私が二人の事を「細いなぁ」って言う度に「いやぁ、太ってますって~」って言うので、「私、絶対二人の事、お姫様ダッコできるよ~」ってな話となり、「講習が無事に終了したら、やってみよう!」な~んて私も言っちゃったので、講習終了後、ダッコしてみました。腕の短い私には、重さよりも二人の身長の方が、難しかったかな。でも出来ちゃった~。これもテック・ダイビングの賜物(?)。って、女子がこんなんで、スミマセン。
m(_ _)m
Japanese divers were born in Malta AGAIN today! Shinya, Yuta, well done!! Since they finished PADI e-learning before arriving in Malta, the course didn't take much time. The weather in Malta this week wasn't so brilliant. I am very proud of them doing so well. Both of them were very good swimmer which helped a lot in the course. Boys! Keep diving!!
During the course, whenever I said "you are skinny," they said "we are fat." So I said "I think I can lift you up no problem. I will do that when you finish your course." So I did! For me with short arms, their height was a bit of issue rather than their weight. Anyway, I did it! Is it the gift from Tech diving training? Well, I'm not sure if I can please about it as a girl...



インストラクター・トレーニングが始まりました・・・IDC started today!

Divewise is the only PADI CDC center in Malta. We can provide couses from beginner to instructor level. Instructor Development Course started today. 2 candidates from UK and 3 candidate from Italy, total 3 candidates are joining this time. They will have training to become instructors for the next two weeks. We have this course 3 times a year. Next one will be in November. Would you like to become Scuba Diving Instructor in Malta?



日本人ダイバーウィーク…Japanese Diver Week

今週もまた、日本人ダイバーの週となっています。先日は、ケイスケ君とアオイちゃんと一緒に、X127という沈船でのダイビング。今日は、シュン君とアオイちゃんと一緒にGhar Lapsi(アー・ラプシ)での地形ダイビングでした。アー・ラプシは、岩のトンネルを抜けたりして、新しいカメラを試し中のシュン君には、もってこいでした。明日はどこかなー。
This week is another Japanese week. We dived on a wreck called "X127" with Keisuke and Aoi a couple days ago. Today, we went to Ghar Lapsi with Shun and Aoi. Ghar Lapsi has very interesting landscape, such as rocky tunnel. It was very good for Shun with new camera. I wonder where we go tomorrow.



マルタマラソン2013・・・Malta Marathon 2013

Malta Marathon has come! It is held on the last Sunday of every February, the same day of Tokyo Marathon. There are 3 kinds; full marathon, half marathon, and walkathon in which you are allowed to walk. Starting from Mdina, heading down to Valletta, then goal at Sliema. The first half has down hills, and then very long mild uphills appear, very typical of this hilly island and a bit harder than it looks. I joined walkathon with my friend, same as last year. I'm a party runner. This year, I took an old Kimono for my costume. It was very good silk, which meant quite warm. Well, people liked it, so for me, all was good! I met Japanese runners who came to Malta for this event. It was a great day!!



習字ワークショップ・・・Japanese Caligraphy Workshop

I opened a Japanese Caligraphy Workshop today, being away from diving for a moment. It was supposed to be held about Chinese New Year but was postponed. 7 students gathered around. In the morning, we practiced basics, starting from how to hold a brush, basic strokes, basic Kanji and Hiragana, easy Kanji regarding New Year, then their names in Kanji and Hiragana. For lunch, my British friend cooked wonderful Asian cuisine, and we all enjoyed it. In the afternoon, we made greeting cards, using Origami for decoration. At the end, each one put Kanji or Hiragana on the cards, making those original and special. They were all soooooo good! We are planning to have another workshop next month. Let's see how it goes.



チルケワでダイビング!...Diving at Cirkewwa!

We had 2 dives at Cirkewwa today. The first dive was at a wreck called P29. Max depth 30m, dive time 35min. In the beginning of the last summer, somebody welded a machine gun on her. It was the spot where an armament was set originally; however, who did it? Welding in water is such a technical work. Somebody did that quietly. Malta! Surprising!!


ピンクのギアでテック・ダイビング...Tec Diving in Pink Gear

Do you know Tec Diving? Recreational diving allows you to go down 40m max with 1 cylinder on your back. When Tec Diving, you have twin cylinders on your back and 1-2 or more cylinders on your side for decompression stops, going deeper and longer. Of course, with proper training, you can go down safely. I started my steps for Tec diving because there were beautiful wrecks sleeping at the deep bottom of the sea, and I really wanted to see them. The only problem I've found is that all the gears are BLACK!! Nooooo!!!! Well, so I've added some PINK!!! I'm a girl!!(Don't ask my age!) Tec diving is a bit hard-boiled-ish, so we need girl's colour!!! Don't they look good?



ダハブ(エジプト)でトライミックス・ダイビング!!・・・Trimix Diviing in Dahab, Egypt

エジプトのダハブへ来ています。トライミックスの講習を受講中。この数日、30m未満でスキルのワークショップを受けていました。ダハブの水温22℃。1時間超えの練習も、凍えることなく快適です。今日の午前中は、人生初のトライミックス・ダイビングしました。55m、TMx20/37, Stage Nx50% & 100%O2。透明度もとっても良く、光が差し込むブルーホールのアーチ、かわいい魚達、もう大興奮でした!!ダイビング、最高!!
I'm in Dahab, Egypt, for Trimix course. For the last few days, I practiced skills in shallower water, max 30m. Water temperature is 22C, so it was very confortable even though the dive lasted longer than an hour. This morning, I used Trimix for the very first time in my life. It was 55m with TMx20/37, stage Nx50% & 100%O2. The visibility was super good. The arch of Blue Hole with light coming in, cute colorful fish... It was GREAT!! I love diving!!


謹賀新年!!・・・Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year!!! I wish you all the best!!!