メリークリスマス☆彡(´∀`*) 皆さんにはサンタさんは来ましたか?今年のクリスマス、ダイビングしちゃいました!気温17℃、水温が水面で20℃、水底で17℃。12月とは思えない暖かさでした。見たことのないウミウシとも出会えて、とても素敵なダイビングでした。
Merry Christmas!! Has Santa Clause come to you? I went for a dive this Christmas morning. Air temperature was 17C, water temperature on surface was 20C and at the bottom was 17C. It was quite warm for December. I could find some nucibranchs which I had never seen. It was wonderful!!
Merry Christmas!! Has Santa Clause come to you? I went for a dive this Christmas morning. Air temperature was 17C, water temperature on surface was 20C and at the bottom was 17C. It was quite warm for December. I could find some nucibranchs which I had never seen. It was wonderful!!